30 Day Challenge
April 1st - April 30th
Join the fun, enjoy the challenge, get the benefits.
$50 a person to enter. Winner gets a $100 gas card along with a Springfield gift basket!

Winner - the person(s) with the most classes during the 30 days April 1 - April 30.
Participants MUST register for class via the website or the Fit app.
One class per day, in the studio and the calendar MUST have the instructors initials plus name of class.
ONLY one class per day - multiples don't count, unless you brought a friend that day.
BONUS - If you bring a friend who has never used the studio before it counts as 2 classes.
BONUS - If you have never used the studio before and sign up for the Challenge it's an automatic 2 classes and then another 2 points when you come in for your first class.
BONUS - 2 Points for anybody to who takes Golfers Yoga in April, 2 points for anyone who does the Art Museum Special Session on Apr 28.
We will be CLOSED for Easter on Sun, Apr 9, and that day automatically counts as a class.
Don't have to be on a current plan to take the challenge.
But EVERY participant has to pay the $50 even if they are already on a plan. However, people on a 5 or 10 class pass plan can forego using their pass and just use the 30 Day Challenge pass.
Challenge ends on April 30th after last class of the day.