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30 Day Challenge

April 1st - April 30th

Join the fun, enjoy the challenge, get the benefits.
$50 a person to enter. Winner gets a $100 gas card along with a Springfield gift basket!

  • Winner  - the person(s) with the most classes during the 30 days April 1 - April 30.

  • Participants MUST register for class via the website or the Fit app. 

  • One class per day, in the studio and the calendar MUST have the instructors initials plus name of class. 

  • ONLY one class per day - multiples don't count, unless you brought a friend that day.
  • BONUS - If you bring a friend who has never used the studio before it counts as 2 classes.

  • BONUS - If you have never used the studio before and sign up for the Challenge it's an automatic 2 classes and then another 2 points when you come in for your first class.  

  •  BONUS - 2 Points for anybody to who takes Golfers Yoga in April, 2 points for anyone who does the Art Museum Special Session on Apr 28.

  • We will be CLOSED for Easter on Sun, Apr 9, and that day automatically counts as a class.   

  • Don't have to be on a current plan to take the challenge.

  • But EVERY participant has to pay the $50 even if they are already on a plan.  However, people on a 5 or 10 class pass plan can forego using their pass and just use the 30 Day Challenge pass.

  • Challenge ends on April 30th after last class of the day.  

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can pick up a copy of the calendar to track your attendance in the studio, or download/print one here: 

120 S. Center St., Springfield, OH 45505

650 Bodey Circle, Urbana, OH 43078

Tel: 937-450-7280

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